Friday, December 10, 2010

I watched lottery and its about kids and they show the storeys and
it showed the kids and how they learned and how some are homed schooled
the lottery was going on and the kids wear hopping to get in the school Harlem
success academe but only one kid made it in the school this move was cool
but really sad

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Book

My book is called its all Greek to me and its about teas kids
that get stuck in the pass and in the past the kids wear doing
a play and the director is controlling wear they  wear at and the
kids have to find a book that has the play in it so thy can get out
so the kids go search for the book and thy come across a three
headed monster but they run and then they find Zeus and Zeus
tells them that the their not going to get out if they don't find
the book

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Imagining your Game

My Topic is:
  • What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?
    • Genre 1: sports
    • Genre 2: action
  • Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.
My game idea is:
yes my game is about bulling and you have to do the right thing in order to win
the game and stop the bully you can be the bullied,the bystander or the bully
to see how bad it is
I'm really sad but happy at the some time because I don't see my
Friends that I had in my group but at the same time I'm happy
seeing new people