Monday, December 9, 2013

Who are 3 people you recognized in the video?
Obama,Chris bosh & Ashten Kusher 
What were they encouraging you to do or learn?
encourage you to learn codes
Why is learning how to program so important at this day in age?
Because in the future technology will be more advance 
How will knowing something about computer science benefit you in your time?
Because will learning computer science will help you in any field of witch we choose to peruse  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

 1. pet rescue
2. to learn about miss treating dogs 
   3. i didnt think it was fun bc it only had one level they could of done better
4. the game this a bad job of teaching this topic because then need to elaborate on the topic and how the levels role out 

   1.House fixers 2 figure out all the fractions in ten sconds 
   3. i really dont think it was fun 
4.i thik it did good teaching us about fractions because you worry about not burning the house down and useint fractions to do that 

 1. Survior
2. The learning goal is thinking about the concentration camps 
   3. the game was allright not much fun but alot of learining and had lots of detail 
4. The game did a good job by showing the topic because it asked questions that were straight from the 10 amendments.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Kids Science Challenge
What was the title of the game?
The brownie Caper
What lesson or skill did the game teach you?
How to solve investigation
Did the game do a good job of teaching this lesson or skill?
Was the game fun and entertaining?
That you have to work

What was the title of the game?
Keep it up
What lesson or skill did the game teach you?
how to play soccer
Did the game do a good job of teaching this lesson or skill?
Was the game fun and entertaining?
that is about soccer

What was the title of the game?
space lunch
What lesson or skill did the game teach you?
how to shoot
Did the game do a good job of teaching this lesson or skill?
Was the game fun and entertaining?
about shooting

Thursday, September 26, 2013

what is tech trash About ten years ago, major advances were made in computer and television technology. how does this trash affect this environment The new electronics are built with materials that are difficult to recycle what does the artical talk about trash CRTs have a high lead content and can be environmentally hazardous if not recycled properly. what can you do to tech trash to polut are comminite Experts say there are ways to safely and responsibly address the tech-trash problem. Barbara Kyle is the national coordinator of the Electronics TakeBack Coalition

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

i dont think i ever had a chase to change the community or the world but if i would i would take the chance !! it feel pretty cool knowing that you couls change the world
This school year is way better because we have more extra curricular activities as in football , chest , dance , theater arts and volleyball  new teachers and new students its really fun this year and i cant wait to see what else they got in store

Friday, February 1, 2013

Team Game Topic

The reason my team chose this topic is because we all like helping and we all like pets and we thought animal abuse is the best one to pick because then we can help and keep the pets especially dog from being hurt or killed we would like to make a game about it too we want to make it where the dog gets hurt and you have to save it from its owner and heal it back to perfect health and stuff like that we don't know if if want it like this for sure but its something like that

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Alzheimer's Association-Capital of Texas Chapter provides family support, community education, public awareness and supports research for the prevention, cure and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Visit our website, for more information about our programs and our annual Walk to End Alzheimer's, resource referrals, and to view our calendar of events.
The Foundation serves to advance dental services for the economically disadvantaged in the Greater Austin Area.
Animal Trustees of Austin serves the animals of our community by providing affordable, humane treatment, with compassion and respect for all. We are committed to ending overpopulation by making spay/neuter surgery for dogs and cats affordable and accessible to the general public, and wellness care an option for all pet owners regardless of income.
The mission of Austin Zoo is to assist animals in need through rescue, rehabilitation and education. Austin Zoo is a rescue zoo with over 90% of our animal residents having been rescued from unfortunate circumstances. Residents range from former circus animals, monkeys who have spent their entire lives in laboratory research center, to exotic birds and animals kept inappropriately as pets. We provide sanctuary for these animals so they may live out their days in relative happiness and comfort. We also exist to educate the public on nature conservation and animal welfare.
The St. David’s Foundation serves more than 25,000 area schoolchildren and adults with free dental services via 6 mobile dental clinics, and collaborates with other Central Texas agencies through grants, programs, and sponsorships to promote primary health care, healthy aging, mental health services and support for health care research.